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Learning Tree and Your Child

What Learning Tree offers your child

  1. A Social Play Group of kids will be your child’s arena for making friendships, learning how to resolve conflict, sharing and communicating ideas in play, playing fairly and cooperatively as strategies are implemented in play, and demonstrating imagination and creativity.
  2. Self Confidence And Self Esteem will be generated through play, group interaction, music and drama, storytelling, arts and crafts, small and large group game time activities. Independent motivation will soar with regard to using the bathroom, taking care of belongings, picking up toys, completing a challenging activity and communicating needs.
  3. Choices And Consequences go hand in hand at LT. Children will learn that with good choices come good results and good consequences. It’s up to them to make appropriate decisions. Teachers are ready to help children learn how to make those good choices and follow through, enabling children to become self-sufficient in their choices and actions as they mature. Children are just learning how to do so many things. Preschool is an early learning environment. Teachers are the facilitators of your child’s learning process. Children learn to implement with confidence what they learn. It becomes a circle of learning: preschool offers the stage…teachers facilitate…children implement.
  4. Good Manners, Empathy and Morals are also offered to the child. The Golden Rule is expressed: ‘Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.’ Caring and kindness are encouraged. Days like FRIENDSHIP DAY motivate and guide children to use the skills that make them a good friend. Tolerance is learned as we see the diversity in the classroom. Every child has strengths and weaknesses. We need to be tolerant of each individual who offers something different to the play or activity, as well as those who need an extra bit of confidence and a ‘you can do it!’ from friends.
  5. Focus and Endurance will be a skill that all children need as they grow through their educational years, and LT will help provide activities that build those skills through praise and encouragement, success and independence. Some children have to work harder to achieve these goals and for them, we offer tools that help give them success. Fidget toys, seat cushions, cube chairs are just some of the tools and strategies offered to those who need it.
  6. Learning Tree will provide your child a Learning Environment. From hanging up your coat and taking care of your back pack, to finding a constructive activity to occupy your free time, to participating in small and large group activities or walking through the process of conflict resolution, your child will LEARN! They will learn how butterflies and frogs are born, how a volcano erupts, and how colors mix. Children will learn letters and numbers, size and quantity, time concepts from the calendar, days of the week, and more. Children will eventually learn to write their name and letters of the alphabet, draw shapes and a picture of a person. Each child will learn how to be a part of the school family with chores to do. Field trips will help each child experience an extension of learning outside the classroom. The playground will offer gross motor play and an extension of implementation of cooperative play with peers.
  7. Skills Will Be Monitored, Evaluated and Disclosed through the AEPS (assessment evaluation programming system) and Screenings/Reports will be offered for each child’s progress.
  8. Children Will Learn To Be The Best They Can Be in all things. We will all help them. Teachers will help. Parents will help. Grandparents will help, too. ‘It takes a village to raise a child.’ For two (sometimes three) years children will be offered tools that will prepare them for kindergarten. It is a journey filled with fun, challenge and expectations. It is a journey your child will not soon forget!