About Us

School Policies

The school calendar follows that of the public schools in York with regard to school vacations, holidays, and snow days. School begins the week following the Labor Day week (one week after the start of public school) and concludes mid-June. We are closed during the summer months.


Call the school if your child is out sick. Please refer to our Medical and Emergency Response Policies page should your child need to be absent.


Please visit Medical and Emergency Response Policies page.

Parent Accessibility (or Emergency Contact)

Always be accessible during your child’s school day.

Outdoor Play

We will play outdoors in winter weather, temperature permitting. The indoor/outdoor play will reverse in January to accommodate the already winter-dressed child on arrival. Parents will be given reminders to the change at that time.

Sunscreen and Insect Repellant

The school does not apply lotions but recommends parents apply before coming to school.


Shall be provided by the child and is offered mid-session.