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Let’s Talk About What Goes On and Why

Free Play: This is the time for the child to interact with his peers. He/she will learn to share and contribute to the play experience. Learning to work out problems and communicate with play partners, share ideas, create castles and roadways, or play “house” will all lend itself to a learning environment needed to guide and nurture the child.

Circle Time: There is much to learn and share at circle time. A “good morning” always comes from the crowd, usually followed by songs. Some songs teach us things for the month’s curriculum. Others are just for fun! The children take turns being the flag bearer and saluting the flag with the pledge every morning. Then we move onto calendar, where we learn number recognition and sequencing, months and days of the week, time concepts, special holidays, events, and birthdays. Perhaps a conversation about where the butterfly comes from, or what makes you special, or a visit from a special puppet friend may finish our time at circle.

Snack: No time to give up learning…manners with please and thank you are sure to be heard. Snack gives an opportunity for children to talk with each other, and to be food generated for the next move into Story Time. Children are responsible to follow table manners and clean up after themselves, putting things back in their cubbies.

Story Time: This is a time to relax on the floor using our listening skills. This time is spent doing a variety of things. Books will be read…puppets or flannel graph stories may be told to teach sequencing or imagination…games may be played learning numbers, letters, more/less, letters sounds and much more. Often a concept from Story Time is carried on to Table Time.

Table Time: With a paper to work on, HWT journals to write in, or a craft activity. Time spent working at the tables allow children to show “what he/she knows”. Art day comes at the end of the week, but there is always some activity that strengthens our fine motor skills such as drawing, coloring, cutting, and gluing. All activities enable the child to transfer knowledge and creativity as he/she puts together a creation, whether on paper or through an art project, always remember that “ART is a process, not a project.”

Outdoor Play: Getting ready to go outside is more than just play: waiting in line to use the bathroom, being patient and kind; dressing ourselves as much as possible with shoes and coat, hat and mittens (becoming more self-reliant as the year comes to an end); following instructions and taking turns—and of course, being the Line Leader! All these things lend to the learning process for a young child. Outdoor play occurs each day, even on the dreary days, but never on inclement weather conditions (too cold, rainy). Dress your child appropriately so they can enjoy their time out with friends. Snowmen and sand box play are the favorites!

That’s generally our day. Along the way we have fun learning many things, respecting others, being self-confident, and growing all the time! We celebrate Fun N’ Silly Day in September to say “I love school and I love you as my friend.” Holidays are not missed, and even St. Patrick’s Day comes with leprechauns and treasure! Trips to the Seacoast Science Center and the farm…trips to the York hospital and the fire station…a visit from Police Officer Cogger…and more are part of learning experiences. The month of May is especially fun and whimsical with an introduction to imagination with storytellers and puppeteers, creative story play and imagination through art. At the same time we take time to practice for our performances for graduation in June.

Your child’s first school experience ought to be fun—they learn at the same time, often, without even knowing it! It is a time to come into themselves…become more aware of themselves and those around them…learn to respect and care for others and have a sharing time…time to create in their world…learn to respect consequences of broken rules. We love watching them grow and change throughout the year. They will learn much!